I'm excited to announce that I just submitted the application for Hound Dog One to be a static display (with a CBHR exhibit) in the Charleston Air Expo on Saturday, April 17, 2010 at Charleston International Airport in Charleston, SC. The main show is on Saturday, however, there will be a military family appreciation day show on Friday the 16th. We'll need some volunteers to assist Kim and I both days so if you are available to help, let us know.
In addition, HD1 and her crew are looking forward to the MCAS Cherry Point Air Show in May. We'll need volunteers to assist us at that show as well since that one is a three day event. What an opportunity for us to reach out to potential adopters at these two shows. Both shows average approximately 150,000 people each. Better yet, it does not cost CBHR a dime!
April 17, 2010
Hound Dog One Static Display/CBHR Exhibit
Charleston Air Expo
Charleston International Airport, Charleston, SC
May 21-23
Hound Dog One Static Display/CBHR Exhibit
MCAS Cherry Point Air Show
Cherry Point, NC
Ted Holstein
Hound Dog One Pilot
Carolina Basset Hound Rescue (CBHR)
"Flying Hounds into Your Hearts!"