Hound Dog One Update

Good Evening, Everyone!

We hope that each and every one of you had a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving with your friends, family, and loved ones. We also have to apologize for not updating this blog in a while. November and December have been/are very busy months for HD1's flight crew with changing work schedules and personal business. That being said, here is a recap of what Hound Dog One has done in 2009 to date.

- Raised $4,607.01 for CBHR with the Fly-A-Thon. Unfortunately, four of the five cities were not visited during the fly-a-thon weekend due to inclement weather. We did, however, visit Charleston, SC where we raised over $200 during that visit. I would like to thank all of the HD1 supporters and CBHR volunteers for making the trip out to the airport that evening. We are still trying to re-schedule the four missed stops but this may not take place until 2010 due to our schedule as well as the Holidays.

- Flew 16 aerial missions with CBHR hounds onboard.

- Drove 3 CBHR missions.

- Flew 1 Pilots N Paws mission.

- Drove 1 Pilots N Paws mission.

- Appeared in 3 air shows as a static display.

Hound Dog One and her flight crew look forward to 2010 and we thank you again for your support and dedication.

Happy Holidays!

Your Hound Dog One Flight Crew
Ted and Kim Holstein
