Hound Dog One Missions 10 & 11

On Saturday, September 5, 2009, Hound Dog One and her flight crew returned to the Carolina skies. This was another first for HD1 as she had her first, back-to-back, double dog transport. Missions 8 & 9 were also double dog transports. Oh, in cased you missed it, Hound Dog One and her flight crew were also featured in the Bluffton Today on Saturday. To read the article, click here.

Our day started very early as we woke up at 5:15am to prepare for our missions. Our plan was to be airborne at around 7am. We lifted off of Hilton Head at 7:09 am for our 1 hour, 55 minute flight to Rowan County Airport in Salisbury, NC.

Sunrise over Hilton Head, SC

On approach to Runway 2 at Rowan County Airport in Salisbury, NC

Once at Rowan County Airport, we met up with fellow CBHR volunteers and picked up One-Eyed Bob and Carlee. One-Eyed Bob was heading to Florence, SC to a new foster home while Carlee was headed to North Myrtle Beach, SC to her new forever home. The flight to Florence was 55 minutes; the flight to North Myrtle Beach was 35 minutes. According to Google Maps, if this ended up being a ground transport, it would have taken 4 hours and 24 minutes total. HD1 was able to do it in an hour and a half!

All in all, the flights went very smoothly. I logged 5.4 hours of flight time and we traveled approximately 500 miles.

Thanks to all that came out to support Hound Dog One on Saturday!! Enjoy the photos below.

Ted Holstein
Hound Dog One Pilot
