Hound Dog One was supposed to do another Pilots N Paws mission this week but was grounded by weather in three attempts. So, Hound Dog 2 (Kim's Nissan Pathfinder)took to the road yesterday to do the mission by ground transport.
The mission was to transport a 95 pound Great Dane, named Zoey, from the Sevier County Humane Society in Sevierville, TN to Savannah, GA. The plan was to get Zoey and meet a volunteer of a local Great Dane Rescue group at a predetermined location along I-95 to do the transfer.
I left the house at 7:15am on Wednesday and made it home at 10:45pm. Driving conditions were less than ideal with heavy rain and fog, especially in the mountains of NC/TN.
Zoey was a doll though! So sweet and she slept most of the way home. She is going to make some family very happy!! I'm just glad I was able to get her to safety since the shelter she was located at is considered a high kill shelter.
Enjoy the photos!
Hound Dog One Pilot (and Hound Dog Two Driver!!!) :-)