Hound Dog One Facebook Page/Fans of HD1
Hound Dog One recently reached its 200th fan on Facebook. Congratulations to Anna Tipton of Bluffton, SC for being the lucky owner of that title. If you are on Facebook and have not added Hound Dog One as a fan yet, we encourage you to do so. Currently, the Hound Dog One fan base is at 209.
Greenville, SC Fly-A-Thon Gathering Re-Scheduled
The Greenville, SC portion of the Fly-A-Thon has been re-scheduled for Saturday, February 13, 2010 from 11:00am to 1:00pm. The location of this event is Greenville Jet Center, Greenville Downtown Airport, 1 Aviation Lane, Greenville, SC 29607-6129. Telephone number is (864) 235-6383.
If weather does not cooperate, we will still hold this event but at a different location to be determined.
Remember to get your Hound Dog One Merchandise through Cafe Press!
If you are interested in your very owner Hound Dog One merchandise, you may get it here: http://www.cafepress.com/dd/33015108.
Show your support for Hound Dog One! :-)
Captain Ted
HD1 Pilot